LoRa Smart Meter 169 Technology: What It Is and How It Works

Sistemi di comunicazione
Smart innovation: point-to-point wireless communication on a free frequency band
What is LORA 169 technology and how does it work?

LoRa, an acronym for Long Range, represents an intelligent innovation based on point-to-point wireless communication, exploiting the free frequency band. This technology allows the creation of a unique intelligent network, where a Node, typically a sensor such as a water meter or a partial valve, generates data. These Nodes communicate directly with Gateways, such as our concentrator, smart devices capable of decoding radio signals and forwarding data to a network server.

The 169 MHz frequency offers numerous advantages:

  • EU harmonisation: Compliance with Decision 2005/928/EC70, with availability and use in the 28 countries of the Union.
  • Free Use: No license costs for private networks by DSOs, without exclusive rights and protection in case of interference (MISE 20/2/2015).
  • Operational Safety: Safety guaranteed at the powers used (<500 mW), with no reported health risks.
  • Standard UNI TS 11291-11-4: Definition of the PM1 interface at 169 MHz with channels in the range 169.400 – 169.475 MHz, with a width of 12.5 kHz.

Thanks to this frequency and its characteristics, LoRa offers a solid foundation for intelligent networks.

Immagine vantaggi Comunicazione
Lora 169 MhZ allows the development of networks:
  1. with reduced consumption
  2. wide-ranging
  3. bidirectional
  4. safe
  5. with minimal infrastructure
  6. inexpensive
  7. which do not require an operator’s SIM
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